The Final Week of Classes
As this is the final week of classes, it will be the final week of the year that the entire group will be together for training. I encourage all of you to continue training over the break and attempt to set up times where it is convenient to meet up with other Conquestors for training. I will continue to post workouts for the break and you can pick and choose which you would like to be a part of.
Today was a bitter sweet day. Coming into today I was excited and looking forward to a lifting challenge at the CrossFit Lethbridge gym that the 6 am class had issues against one of the groups. There was some playful banter and a little propaganda for fun. We met up and the day was proceeding smoothly. We were attempting to have the highest average pounds lifted per team in the overhead squat. Despite the aspect of competition, the fun of the event was paramount and everyone was cheering everyone else on true to CrossFit style. Unfortunately when you are lifting big weight all it takes is one shift wrong and an injury can occur. A friend of mine, Adam, had 225 overhead and was getting ready to squat when he slightly lost his balance. He fought like the true champion he is to save the lift,but in the process ended up losing the weight anyways and received a shoulder dislocation for his troubles. In that moment I had a ton of memories rush back and I could feel for Adams predicament of not knowing what the future now holds for him. Like all weightlifting injuries it also happened....snap...just that fast. After a 3 hr. visit to the ER we left and Adam is confined to a sling for a week and can slowly make his way back into the groove once things start to feel better. He has no permanent major damage and will luckily not require any surgery to make repairs. The reason I tell you this story is not as a warning, but more as a wake up call for all of us. Pushing the envelope can sometimes be dangerous. I encourage everyone everyday to push their limits and find a new boundary for themselves. I try to do so in the safest manner possible, but ultimately the decision lies with you. Do everything you can to prevent injury. Listen to your body when its tired, know when it is too heavy and your form is coming apart and finally know when to get rid of it when trouble is coming. We can always repeat a lift, but we can't always put your body back together. Train safe everyone.
Last week we had the anonymous wrestler challenge. Those who were able to post correct answers were given the prize of choosing workouts for the week. Here is how the week is going to stack up
Monday (chose by Aaron)
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats
Deadlift 3-3-3-3
Press 3-3-3-3
Rest 5 minutes
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1
5 Rounds for time
1 Hallway run
20 Explosive row
30 Jumping Jacks
Thursday (Chose by Kyle)
Modified "Fight Gone Bad"
3 rounds for reps/points
AMRAP 1 minute Wall Ball Shots
AMRAP 1 minute Sumo Deadlift High Pull
AMRAP 1 minute Box Jumps
AMRAP 1 minute Push Press
AMRAP 1 minute burpees
Rest 1 Minute
Friday (Chose by Guy)
4 rounds for time
2 per hour clock push Ups
4 rounds for time
2 per hour clock push Ups
10 per leg 1 legged squats
20 Sit Unders
This week looks like a good way to keep the poundage off before the indulgence of Christmas debauchery!
Lorney is dying to know who the last wrestler was!
The last wrestler was the one man gang
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats
DC 19:11, pullups killed me 11min!
But Angie, Ain't it...
Ain't it good to be alive?
Angie, Angie
You can't say we never tried
Angie killed me. But I did finish 28 min. Not a fast time but I did not give up. I only got 75 pull ups, but the rest was legit. Good wod - can't wait to meet her again.
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats
Good pull ups, push ups killed me (4+ mins)
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