Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18, 2012

The new look of the fitness center.  Brighter...cleaner......reorganized.....wickkkkkeeeeeddddd!!!!!   We have also received an order purchased compliments of the physical education department at LCI of new mats, skipping ropes and foam rollers.  Thank you phys ed for seeing a need and helping fill it.  Not only will it help with class but also with further facilitating the quest for fitness by fitness center users.  I smile every time I walk in.  You can't understand the difference unless you have seen what it used to be like

Program 3 Conquest
A.  Ultimate Lift 5 x 3
B. 2 rounds of 
AMRAP 5 minutes
10 Wall Ball Shots
5 Burpees
rest 1 minute