Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oct 25, 2012

Every week I am asked repeatedly about supplements.  Every week I give the same answer..."how is your nutrition".  In today's quick fix world time is of the essence and fitness is no exception.  People are always looking for a faster way, more convenience to get to the goals that they have.  Unfortunately, training, strength and fitness do not work on the principle of convenience.  To get where you want to go an athlete must eat healthy, properly and not cut corners.  They must train hard in the gym, but understand that without keying in on nutrition, and not supplements, they will always struggle to get to where they want to go. Supplements are not the answer, hard work is!

Program 1: Bodyweight and Intervals
Week 1 of 3
Day 4: 4 rounds for max reps of 1 min per exercise, running clock
5 V Sits
7 Box Jumps
25 m forward run
25 m backward run

Program 2: Weightlifting
Week 1 of 3
Day 4
A. Bench Press 4 x 2-4
B. Incline Bench Press 4 x 6-8
C1. Weight Release Push Up 4 x Failure
C2. Cross Body Hammer Curls Curls 4 x 6-8
D. Reverse Curl 4 x 8
E. Standing Calf Raise 4 x 6-8
F. Crossbody Rocking Plank 1.5 minutes Accumulated Time/side (Pairings: LA/LL, RA/LL)

Program 3 CFLA & Conquest
A.  Clean 6 x 2
B. For Time
25-20-15-10 -5
Med Ball Cleans w/full squat
Ball Slams
4 Burpees every2 minutes that passes in the workout