March 10, 2010
Doubt in yourself is one of the largest fallacies of human character that exists. Time and time again people discuss why they can or cannot do something. They talk about how much the issue they have bothers them, but always seem to find a reason as to why it cannot be fixed. I refer to these people as problem people. Everything in life whether it be fitness, work, relationships, etc is always under the control of the person who is in them. I prefer to try and be a solution person and I encourage you to be the same. I by no means am perfect in everything I do and am also guilty of the gripes I talk about, but fact is I make changes where I can. If you are unhappy with something you need to be a solution person, to be proactive in your life path. You have already identified the problem, now find a path to the solution. What does the way you would like things to be look like to you? What stands in your way of getting there? How will you overcome those obstacles? Set a goal and make a plan to reach it. Start today!
We are coming into the tail end of winter and people are beginning to think of Summer and sunshine. This usually means people want to look and feel their best during this time frame. The time to start looking and feeling better is now, so don't wait - don't delay. I want to encourage and challenge all of you to identify your problems and seek out your solutions. Do not be a problem person happy to sit by and say "I should do ....." or "If I had only....." or "Well there is always next year/tomorrow/next week...". If you feel comfortable, share your problem with us, but make sure you include your solution so we can help you on your way to achieving that goal. Welcome to the dawn of a new era for you if you embrace the ability that is in you to be a solution personTodays Gi Joe character is?
For Time
Add all times together minus rest times for total time score
100 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes
150 Sit Ups
Rest 2 minutes
200 Double Unders
awww...cory I think you wrote this one for me...:) Thank you!!!;)
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