It's that Simple
As many of you know my wife Heather and I are co-owners and coaches at CrossFit Lethbridge. If you have time this Friday and Saturday pop by the exhibition grounds for the "Health and Wellness Fair" that will be occurring. Heather and I will be there manning a table for CrossFit Lethbridge and looking to gain some new clients. We would appreciate any and all referrals you could give us. Tell your friends, family, even strangers about the fitness revolution taking place and that at CFLA they can get a piece of it for themselves. We primarily do most of our advertising through word of mouth, so any positive words you could throw out there for us and referrals would be greatly appreciated. We have a free trial class that occurs every Saturday at 10:30 if people want to give it a try for themselves. No strings attached.
This week has been mainly featuring squat and methods of improving poundage for squat. It is important to note that there is one large determining factor for having a big squat. That one factor is you have to squat! You can do all the accessory work you want, use all the fancy tools and equipment, but if you don't squat it will not head the direction it should and can go. It seems like a simple enough concept, but it is easy to forget the best way to get better at something is to do that something. Squat often, squat with different styles, squat with high volume, squat with low volume, squat for speed, etc. etc. etc. but in the end get under the bar and squat.Congratulations to all cartoon winners (Kyle G, Tyler B, Kim O and The Big Spoon from Fort Mac himself Kris Fraser). Send me an email as to what WOD you would like to see come up for next week....or we can sit down and create a new one for you as well.
"Cement Legs"
5 Rounds for Time
12 Thrusters Guys @ 95 Gals @ 65
50' Sled Drag
15 Burpees
50' Sled Drag
** We only have 6 sleds for drag, so people may have to pair up or stagger starting times for the WOD
Thank-YOU Cory for asking me to do a week's worth of programming; I'd appreciate ANY and ALL feed back on the workouts, both good and bad.
Tell me how they could have been improved, what movements were the hardest, and what your favs were.
Good job on this week Mike. We appreciate you taking the time to do some programming for us. It is always nice to infuse a new view point from time to time to keep things fresh and "Constantly Varied". I think we have some sore individuals this week that may not be so friendly to you for a while, but all in good fun right (lol)
Today's workout looks awful... awful full of painful goodness. Thanks for the week Mike, little heavy on lower back exercises (which causes me grief so I like to complain about such things) but I liked the variations, was a big fan of Thursday though next time we should do 15-20 rounds!
Hi Cory,
I liked your tips and drills that you published over the last week on the squat. These drills I can do at home (weight walk, box squat) and I will be doing them. Thanks for sharing these drills lots of times we don't have time to practice at the gym so it's nice to have something to take home.
Thanks for setting up our workouts this week Mike. On Monday and Friday I sweated more than I had in quite awhile, and that's a good thing :-) I found some of the weights you recommended for the women a bit heavy and I'm one of the stonger girls in our gym, but that's why we modify stuff, so we can all get what we need.
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