Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Building with Blocks

Everyone who has ever bench pressed has ran into the terrible feeling of "Oh crap! I'm stuck". No matter how hard you push or how hard you try that weight just does not seem to budge. For the most part the main stick point for people is between 2" and 3" off of the chest. This is not to say it is the only place people get stuck, but as a general blanket statement it does cover most lifters. Overloading the sticking points in bench is easily done, yet seldom utilized.

Block Press or Board Press: For block press you will need to go out to the wood shop and cut yourself some 2x4 studs down. A good length to cut them down is usually in 1' sections. You will need to make a 6", 4" and 2" block. Fasten the blocks together using glue and screws, just make sure no screws are sticking out when you are done. If you want to get fancy you can cut one longer than the rest to make a handle. You will spend 3 weeks at each block height, so it will take you 9 weeks to get back to full regular bench pressing, but it will be well worth it when you see the increase in your bench. Start with the 6" block(wk1-3) then the 4"block (wk 4-6) followed finally by the 2" block (wk 7-9). Keep the reps low in the 2-4 range, increasing weight each week but decreasing reps. As you will be handling heavy loads 4 sets will be enough to get a sufficient training response. Have a training partner hold the block on your chest so it is stable. Lower the bar down to the block until it touches, pause and explode up. Remember as this is a heavy lift to always have a spotter and if we want results to push the envelope in terms of the load you are attempting. It really is that simple. Because you do not have to work a full range you can handle more weight and strengthen the areas of the bench that you are week at and tend to stick. If you only have one specific stick point use the same block mentality for 3 weeks to overload that specific area. Doing all blocks is not always necessary, but does no hurt.
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Anonymous,  January 26, 2010 at 6:01 PM  

have definitely never seen that in the gym before - very interesting though
