Programming 101: Part 3
What a WOD Thursday! It was everything that I could have hoped for it to be. More than anything I wanted people to get a little ugly today. I wanted to challenge what people believed they had in themselves and push them beyond where they thought they were able to go. You ALL succeeded. Liz and Robin both conquering a weight they felt neither could do, Bill going straight through with no break, Kyle working through the pain, Jen being Jen, and the list goes on and on. You all laid it out there and now have a taste of what you are ACTUALLY capable of doing. I believe many of you still have more in the tank, but Rome wasn't built in a day.
This will be my final installment on programming. In order to revisit the point of sharing this information with you I do it for a two fold reason. One so you have a better understanding of how it is we arrive at the workouts we do. Two, so that if anything were to ever happen that I was not around (not that anything should) you would have the knowledge, skills and abilities to continue chasing your dreams and goals of fitness. The final step beyond individual WOD creation is the addition of microcycles. These microcycles will form the basis of allowing us to go through areas of higher hypertrophy (muscle gaining), greater strength (ability to move heavy load)and greater power (ability to move heavy load quickly). All of these items will always be maintained throughout all phases to ensure we still have the variance factor involved, but the basic focus of that period of time will be geared towards a specific end. With that said it is important for us to never limit ourselves to specializing in growth in one sole specific area, but there is nothing wrong with allowing a bias to be involved with what we are doing as long as that bias continues to be fluid and flexible with our goals.
As for individual wod's.....well one can't give out all his secrets now can he.
Overhead Squats (Loads will vary)
Pull Ups
I wasn't able to do the WOD until 9:00pm last night - probably not a great idea. The opening lunges almost emptied the tank for me. The press is what got me though - I was confused by the 65lb. I didn't know if that was the total weight or the weight added to the bar. This stage took me a long time. Great wod - I've got a long ways to go, but look forward to the journey.
Choose 1 or 2 rounds for time
50 Plyolunges (25 per leg)
40 Push Press guys @ 65 gals @ 45
30 Sit Ups
20 Hip Smashers
10 Chest to Deck Push Ups
7:08- KG
Well this one was so good that i could hardly sit down in my chair today. This weeks wods were awesome in that they all kept your body guessing. My body just needed a good reast today so unfortunately i could not go. I'm interested to see the wods next week!
A great week. Though I sadly missed the run day I got in all the other wods. This week I was able to finally hit a goal and put my Kip pull ups together for the wod on Friday. This was a goal for me though i'm sure it was painful to watch. I liked the variation of this week as well as the skill building and incorporation of the oh squat. The full body intensity of the week was awesome. Thanks Heather.
10-1 pull ups and oh squat
12 min ish.
Missed some days IN the gym, but got most of it done at/around home...however, I think having two 30lb'ers hanging off my legs for my 'attempt' at pull-ups this Friday should be worth the lift day I skipped! I can imagine how Heather could use them in her mother/tot Crossfit group!
Just wanted you to know, Heather, that I thought of you ALL morning today as I attempted to help hubby shovel the four feet of snow out front...every muscle was acknowledging your week of programming! Ugh.
Thanks for all you both do, and the time it takes from Hayden.
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