Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3, 2012

Thursday we will be moving the fitness center equipment to the center of the room in order to help facilitate the painting of the room.  This is a super exciting time as we have been waiting for the opportunity to get some fresh paint on the walls for quite some time.  I am excited for how much this will brighten up our space and help to make it feel like an even better place than it already is.  It is not the room that makes the gym, but when it looks nice it sure helps. 

A.  Push Press 5 x 3
B.  On the minute, Within the Minute for as many rounds as successful

5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
20 Single skips

A.  Push Press Find a 3 RM (rep maximum)
B. On the minute, Within the Minute for as many rounds as successful
5 Hand Release Push Ups
7 Knees to Elbows
14 Double Unders