Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

Here are the new programs for the next 3 weeks of training.  Check 'em out.  If you have questions please come to the fitness center and see Mr. Gillespie.  Also, time is running out on this year and Conquest Credit hours.  Please get in and get some credits started for the hard work you are already doing.

Program 1 Tabata
Day 1 - Med Ball Push Up/Med Ball Kayaker/Med Ball Press/Med Ball Chop
Day 2 - Med Ball Stability Squat/Med Ball V Sit/Med Ball Forward Static Hold/Med Ball Lunge with Twist
Day 3 - Box Jump/Burpee/Reverse Grip Push Ups/Jumping Jacks
Day 4 - Double Unders/Ring Rows/Roll Outs/Back Extension

Program 2 Strength
1. High pulls 4 x 8
Good mornings 3 x 5
Glute Ham Raise 3 x Fail
Shoulder press ss. Laterals 3 x 5
Speed deads 12 x 1 with 30 seconds rest between sets
Weighted abs

2. 3 sets of sprints @ 50, 100, 200, 300, 200, 100, 50 with a 1:1 rest ratio

3. Push Press 4 x 8
Zercher Squats 5 x 3
Explosive Barbell Rows 4 x 8
Straight Bar Curl 3 x 5
Paul Dick’s Press 3 x 5
Reverse Grip Bench 3 x 5
Heavy abs

4. Sprints @ 40 min. of 50m sprint 70m walk

5. Front Squat 3 x 8 (Heavy but with tech focus - No maximal exertions)
Power Clean 5 x 2
Overhead Squat 3 x 8 (Heavy but with tech focus - No maximal exertions)

Power Snatch 5 x 2

Program 3 - Conquest
A. Front Squat.Push Press 5 x 1.1
B. AMRAP 10 Minutes
2, 4, 6, 8, 10......
Thrusters 85/55
Ring Rows or Pull Ups