Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012

This will be the last week of programs 1 and 2 before they change to the next phase.  You should be trying to push the envelope and make big gains this week.  Remember the importance of keeping a logbook to help track weights and progress.  It is always a great way to help keep yourself on track and not waste time and energy determining weights for the new week of training.

Program 1 Tabata Protocol Week 3 of 3
Program 1 - Tabata Protocol (8 rounds/sets of 20 sec activity to 10 sec rest per exercise)
Day 1 - DB Front Squat/Knees to Elbows/DB Swing/Box Jump
Day 2 - Push Ball/Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl/Mackenzie Press/Push Up
Day 3 - Double Unders/Open Hip Sit Ups/Fist Twists/Air Squats
Day 4 - Ring Row/Fire Hose Climbs/Weight Release Push Ups/DB Curls

Program 2 Strength Week 3 of 3
1. Squat 5 x 6-8
Stiff Leged Deadlifts 4 x 8
No Back Support Seated Press 5 x 6-8
Step Back Lunge 4 x 8/leg
Shoulder Laterals and Plate Raise supersets 4 x 8 ss. 4 x 6-8
Reverse Hyper Extension 4 x Fail at Body weight

2. 20 min of 100m sprint, 100 m walk

3. Flat Bench press 5 x 6-8
Shrugs 4 x 10 - 8 - 6 - 4
Hamstring curls 4 x 8-10
Plate Pinch for max time 4 x fail (up weight each week)
Close grip bench 5 x 6-8
Swiss ball abs

4. 3 sets of sprints @ 50m, 100m, 200m, 300m, 200m, 100m, 50m 1:2 rest ratio

5. Deadlifts 5 x 6-8
Double Step Step Ups 4 x 6/leg
Wide grip Pull ups 4 x Failure (If failure happens below 6 reps copmplete 4 negative reps)
Hammer curls 4 x 8-10
Reverse Hyperextensions 4 x 8

Program 3 Conquest
Introduction Conquest
A. Front Squat 5 sets of 5 reps
B. Amrap 10 Minutes
10 Medicine Ball Front Squats
10 Medicine Ball Chops
10 Double Skips (or 40 singles)

Advanced Conquest
A. Back Squat 4 x 5
B. Front Squat 4 x 3
C. 21-15-9 For Time
Plyo Lunge (numbers are per leg = 42-30-18 total count)
KBS 55/35
Double Skips