Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1, 2012

For Tabata and Strength programs click on the associated program here. 

Next stage of the program will be available this weekend

Program 3 Conquest:
Introductory WOD
A. Review pressing and squatting
Deadlift Technique
B. AMRAP 10 minutes
5 Deadlifts 95/65
7 Double Skips or Double Skip attempts
9 Burpees

Advanced WOD
A. Hang Power Clean.Front Squat 8x1.1 rest 2 minutes between sets
B. AMRAP 4 minutes
5 Hang Power Clean 155/95
10 Burpee Box Jump 14/10
rest 2 minute
AMRAP 4 minutes
5 Front Squat 135/65
10 Box Jump 24/20